Thursday, May 3, 2007

Domestic News Headlines(0S2 Week8)

There are 6 front page stories were mentioned: 2 from "The New Zealand Herald", 2 from "The Dominion Post", 1 from "The Press", 1 from "The Otago Daily Times". I'm interested in the fourth story. It told me that the government is looking for a way to tackle truancy numbers. It also said last year an average of 30,000 children a day escape classes. I identified 3 pronunciation features as follow:

1 consonant to vowel linking: government / i/is
2 sounds disappear: last/t / year ; thirty thousand/d /children
3 weak form-schwa: to/∂/ take ; looking for/∂/ a/∂/ way

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.