Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Dip Trip (TB2 Week9)

Last year, my friends and I went to Ninety-Mile Beach.

When I came to the beach, I found the view was magnificent. The sea, which was huge, was peaceful, and lots of white seabirds were singing in the sky. We took many beautiful photos. Next, we looked for an exit. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the exit, which was shown on the map. Also, the gas almost ran out. We tried to use the mobile phone for help, but it didn’t work. One of my friends, Kitty, felt scared and cried. I said: “Don’t worry! Everything will be ok!” After that, we found a narrow road. Beside the road, there was a caution board which was written “Dangerous!” and a yellow desert was in front of us. Should we go? At last, we decided to enter. Our decision was right! This was a right exit!

This trip has been remained in my mind until now. I know from it, that people must stay strong and don’t give up in some of situations.

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