Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lecture: First-aid(OS2 Week10)

This Lecture was very useful because it gave essential knowledge about first-aid to me. Before the lecture, first-aid is only giving the kiss of life in my mind. However, my mind was changed.

Firstly, you must stop and think whether you are safe. Then, you need a barrier which can be used between the patients' body and yours, such as gloves or plastic bags, to look after them. You should talk to patients softly, lift up their thins, look at their chests and listen to the notes which they gave to you carefully. After that, you press their hearts in the rhythm and give them the kiss of life which is called CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation). You must remember: two breaths and thirty presses. Finally, you should call 111. Sometimes people should use different CPR which depends on age to save patients' life. For example, you need to use only two fingers to push the baby's chest very softly.

People should help others who need help. However before you do it, you must make sure that you are safe.

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