Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Globalisation(TB2 Week4)

There are many benefits of globalisation on my life.

When I feel homesick, I can chat with my parents, even seeing their faces on the internet, although I'm living in New Zealand, which is far from to China. Also, there are many traditional Chinese restaurants in Auckland, so I can eat many delicious Chinese foods. It's quite wonderful. Everyday, I meet different people, who come from different countries and communicate with them. As a result, a variety of culture, such as Maori and Korean, transfers to me and I become more and more informed. These days, globalization enriches New Zealand's television programmes. For example, I can watch American comedy ‘Friends’ and Japanese games at night. In addition, I could find out what was happened all over the world. So I'm very interested in them.

I think that globalisation is good for my life because it brings a lot of fun to me. I really enjoy it.

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