Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Break(TB2 Week7)

In the break, my husband and I went to Rotorua, which is a famous resort in New Zealand. When I arrived there, I found some pungent smell which was like smell of rotten-egg. However, I adapted to the new environment quickly.

There are many attractive places in Rotorua, such as the Agrodome, Whakarewarewa and the Polynesian Spa. The most interesting place I think is Wai-O-Tapu. Firstly, we watched the process of the geyser eruption. It was so high, over 10 meters. Then, we walked through Rainbow Mountain. I was very surprised about nature mother because it was full of colourful pools, craters and caves. Some of pools were green. Some of craters were red. They looked like artist’s palette. What an amazing phenomenon! Later, my husband told me that long long ago, the volcano in Wai-O-Tapu had erupted, so the view was created.

I like traveling because it can broaden my horizons and transfer new knowledge to me.

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