Saturday, May 5, 2007

Summary of News(TB2 Week8)

Here is a link to the article. Christchurch principals think that, they are facing truant growth, truancy officers are spread too thinly. Also, Linwood College Principal Rob Burrough said: “I believe, to the breakdown of social values and parental control combined with a lack of adequate resources to do the job effectively” Furthermore, the techniques used in other countries can give New Zealand good ideas. Finally, Christchurch District Truancy Services Charitable Trust Chairman Dr Christine Kokay thought that the government needed to think about the reason of truancy.

There is a large number of verbs in the active voice. Only 7 verbs are in the passive voice. 3 verbs are present simple passive. 1 verb is present perfect passive. 1 verb is simple past passive. The other 2 verbs are passive infinitive.

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