Saturday, May 19, 2007

Review of The Book(TB2 Week5)

When I read the book ‘Sons and Lovers’, I was deeply moved by an impressive story, which happened in the early 20th century, and wanted to cry. It describes a miserable mother, Gertrude Morel. Her husband is a rough drunkard, spending lots of time in the pub. He doesn't care about his family. So Mrs Morel is disappointed with him and turns instead to her sons. William is the eldest son, who is unlucky, because he dies of erysipelas while he’s young. Mrs Morel feels very sad and turns all her love and attention to her second son, Paul. When Paul grows up, he falls in love with two young women, Miriam and Clara. Mrs Morel thinks that Paul will leave her in the future because of his lovers. She becomes older and gets worse gradually. In the end of the story, Mrs Morel dies and Paul feels that he loses the whole world.

The writer is David Herbert Lawrence. This book is one of his most famous novels and is based on his own family life. It is really worthy to be read.

My Country in the International Press(TB2 Week9)

These days, speculation is becoming more and more frenzied in China, so the Chinese economy is threatened by the market bubble.

Here is a link to an article, which comes from “The Telegraph UK”. I have chosen this article because I worry about the Chinese economy. Now, the Chinese stock index seems to be abnormal. For example, the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index is increasing sharply. So, Dr Frank Gong, head of China research and strategy, and chief economist at JPMorgan, thinks that there is art risk of an asset bubble in China. In fact, if the Chinese government does nothing, the Chinese economy will bring the inflation, and the CPI (Consumer Price Index) will be higher. Now, the government has tried to remove the bubble by allowing Chinese financial institutions to invest in overseas equities. It’s attractive to many Chinese commercial banks and also can transfer domestic investment pressure to international financial markets. I hope it will be a useful strategy.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

News Report(TB2 Week6)

I read this news in ‘New Zealand Herald’. It's about children who took part in different school holiday programmes. Some of them crowded into the West City Shopping Mall to enjoy the exciting Hi-5's performance. Some of them went to stadiums to play rugby. What a wonderful holiday they had!
Most of the verb forms which explain what happened are in the past simple form. Also, about nine verbs are in present form and only one is present continuous, which describes what is happening now. However, not any perfect verb forms and future forms.

My Break(TB2 Week7)

In the break, my husband and I went to Rotorua, which is a famous resort in New Zealand. When I arrived there, I found some pungent smell which was like smell of rotten-egg. However, I adapted to the new environment quickly.

There are many attractive places in Rotorua, such as the Agrodome, Whakarewarewa and the Polynesian Spa. The most interesting place I think is Wai-O-Tapu. Firstly, we watched the process of the geyser eruption. It was so high, over 10 meters. Then, we walked through Rainbow Mountain. I was very surprised about nature mother because it was full of colourful pools, craters and caves. Some of pools were green. Some of craters were red. They looked like artist’s palette. What an amazing phenomenon! Later, my husband told me that long long ago, the volcano in Wai-O-Tapu had erupted, so the view was created.

I like traveling because it can broaden my horizons and transfer new knowledge to me.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lecture: First-aid(OS2 Week10)

This Lecture was very useful because it gave essential knowledge about first-aid to me. Before the lecture, first-aid is only giving the kiss of life in my mind. However, my mind was changed.

Firstly, you must stop and think whether you are safe. Then, you need a barrier which can be used between the patients' body and yours, such as gloves or plastic bags, to look after them. You should talk to patients softly, lift up their thins, look at their chests and listen to the notes which they gave to you carefully. After that, you press their hearts in the rhythm and give them the kiss of life which is called CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation). You must remember: two breaths and thirty presses. Finally, you should call 111. Sometimes people should use different CPR which depends on age to save patients' life. For example, you need to use only two fingers to push the baby's chest very softly.

People should help others who need help. However before you do it, you must make sure that you are safe.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Globalisation(TB2 Week4)

There are many benefits of globalisation on my life.

When I feel homesick, I can chat with my parents, even seeing their faces on the internet, although I'm living in New Zealand, which is far from to China. Also, there are many traditional Chinese restaurants in Auckland, so I can eat many delicious Chinese foods. It's quite wonderful. Everyday, I meet different people, who come from different countries and communicate with them. As a result, a variety of culture, such as Maori and Korean, transfers to me and I become more and more informed. These days, globalization enriches New Zealand's television programmes. For example, I can watch American comedy ‘Friends’ and Japanese games at night. In addition, I could find out what was happened all over the world. So I'm very interested in them.

I think that globalisation is good for my life because it brings a lot of fun to me. I really enjoy it.

Dip Trip (TB2 Week9)

Last year, my friends and I went to Ninety-Mile Beach.

When I came to the beach, I found the view was magnificent. The sea, which was huge, was peaceful, and lots of white seabirds were singing in the sky. We took many beautiful photos. Next, we looked for an exit. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the exit, which was shown on the map. Also, the gas almost ran out. We tried to use the mobile phone for help, but it didn’t work. One of my friends, Kitty, felt scared and cried. I said: “Don’t worry! Everything will be ok!” After that, we found a narrow road. Beside the road, there was a caution board which was written “Dangerous!” and a yellow desert was in front of us. Should we go? At last, we decided to enter. Our decision was right! This was a right exit!

This trip has been remained in my mind until now. I know from it, that people must stay strong and don’t give up in some of situations.